Optimum burst height: The nuclear weapons literature, including the
classic 1977 analysis entitled The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, shows that the
effective range of destruction from an aerial explosion depends sensitively on
the altitude of the explosion. An
explosion at sufficiently high altitude strikes a very large area with a weak
shock wave, rattling windows but doing negligible damage. In the daytime, or in cloudy weather, there
may be no sightings of a fireball. A
little lower, and the same explosion would break windows. Glass shards accelerated by the blast wave
are the principal hazard. This is the
Chelyabinsk event. Move the explosion a
little closer to the ground, and radiant heating of the surface becomes
important. Fires can be ignited by the
flash, especially clothing, window curtains, and automobile upholstery. In rural areas, trees and brush ignite. This is the Tunguska event of 1908, which
flattened hundreds of square kilometers of forest and burned 2200 square
kilometers. A little closer to the ground,
and blast overpressures become high enough to cause structural failure of
reasonably well-constructed buildings.
The “premature” failure of the factory building in Chelyabinsk probably
owes more to its Soviet-era construction quality than to the severity of the
blast. At about the same explosion
altitude, the air blast that follows the flash (traveling at the speed of sound
rather than the speed of light) hits hard enough to blow out many of the fires,
but potentially fanning others into a firestorm. In this sequence from high altitude to very
low altitudes, each successive blast strikes with greater intensity (higher blast
overpressure) over a smaller target area.
A body that reaches the surface either intact or as a compact swarm of
high-velocity fragments can excavate a crater, depositing almost all of its
kinetic energy in an area about 100 times the actual area of the crater by
means of high-speed explosive ejection of debris from the crater. This is Meteor Crater in Arizona. Very large impacts eject vast quantities of
dust and vapor and shock-produced nitrogen oxides in the form of a mushroom
cloud, which lifts them to high altitudes and spreads them widely over the
Earth. The very biggest impacts seen in
the geological record actually blast away the atmosphere above a plane tangent
to Earth’s surface at the point of impact, hurling crater eject worldwide. This is the Chicxulub event at the end of the
Cretaceous Era, the famed dinosaur-killer.
For a given explosive yield there is an altitude, called the “optimum
burst height”, at which the area of devastation is maximized. For a 1-megaton explosion the optimum burst
height is about 1700 meters (a mile) and widespread structural damage occurs
for any blast below about 5000 m (3 mi).
For a 10-megaton explosion the optimum burst height is near 5000 m and
the threshold for structural damage is near 12000 m (7 miles). At yields of 1000 megatons (1 gigaton), a
10,000-year event, severe surface damage occurs at just about any plausible
burst height.
Entry Angle and Velocity: It is aerodynamic pressure that causes an
entering body to crush and shear itself into fragments. The aerodynamic pressure is proportional to
the density of the atmosphere and to the square
of the velocity. The density of the
atmosphere drops off roughly exponentially with altitude, and is therefore very
low at 100 km altitude. As a general
rule, bodies that enter at lower speeds penetrate deeper than those that enter at
higher (cometary) speeds. They contain
less kinetic energy per ton, but are more efficient at delivering that energy
to the ground. Bodies that enter the
atmosphere at shallow grazing angles (nearly horizontal motion) spend a
relative long time at high altitudes where the atmosphere is thin and crushing
is least probable. They tend to
decelerate rather gently and therefore are traveling slower at any altitude;
therefore they penetrate deeper before exploding than a vertically-entering
body of the same size and speed. Note
that, for any given material, the higher the velocity, the higher the altitude
of explosion: the faster the bullet, the less its penetration. There is also a huge range of strengths for
asteroidal and cometary material: cometary “fluff” fails at high altitudes;
iron meteorites (M-class asteroids) often penetrate all the way to the ground
before exploding, and hence deliver their full original kinetic energy to a
crater (or small cluster of craters) with high efficiency. This is the Sikhote-Alin meteorite fall in
eastern Siberia in 1947.
Linear Explosion: The energy dissipated by a strong, deeply
penetrating bolide is often released nearly in the form of a point explosion,
with almost all the original kinetic energy being given off in the same
moment. But many smaller bodies deposit
their energy along a lengthy path through the atmosphere as they break up in
many stages. This is especially true of
bodies with shallow entry angles. Since
the impactor may be traveling at 20 km per second, its speed is about Mach
30. We think of the shock wave from a
supersonic aircraft traveling at Mach 2 or 3 as a cone with an opening angle
of, say, 30 degrees originated at the nose of the aircraft. But at Mach 30 the opening angle is only
about 2 degrees: the energy released is very nearly in the form of a linear
explosion. Some theorists talk of the “exploding
wire” model, which is not a bad way to picture it. Imagine a “wire” stretching across the sky
that detonates nearly instantaneously.
The first sound to reach you is not from the point where the explosion
began but from the segment of the wire nearest to you. That sound reaches you as a strong, sharp
blast, a “sonic boom”, after which the sound reaches you from ever more distant
locations on the wire. Thus after the
first sharp boom you hear simultaneously the noises emitted both before and
after the body passed closest to you.
These explosions and “rumbling” continue until, at last, you hear the
first sounds given off during entry. The
first sounds, having traveled so much farther, reach you last.
There have been reports on the internet, some illustrated by photos of a
burning crater, that purport to show the impact point of the Chelyabinsk
bolide. The photos are simply a hoax,
showing file pictures of a natural gas fire that has been burning for decades
in an oil field in Kazakhstan. If there is an impact crater, it is a hole
found in the ice of a lake. That
suggests a low fire hazard.
Meteorite recovery from the bolide would be enormously valuable, and
this morning’s news claims over 50 stones recovered to date. My guess is that there is a potential for
recovery of hundreds or even thousands of stones, and that they will prove to
be ordinary chondrites (the most abundant types of meteorites, of H, L, and LL
classes). Much weaker (carbonaceous) material
would explode at high altitudes; strong (iron or stony-iron) meteorites could penetrate
to the ground intact and make a huge crater.
Let’s keep our eyes on this: as the many images of the event are
carefully studied we should soon know the precise path of the bolide and hence
know where to look for any other meteorites it may have dropped.
Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman: A
high-ranking Russian military officer has been quoted as saying that “this was
no meteor; it was an American military test.”
If you can see any military advantage to breaking windows in
Chelyabinsk, you’re more imaginative than I am.
Also, Russian scientific sources are quoting entry speeds of 18-20
kilometers per second, which is far above entry velocity for return from the
Moon (about 11 km/s) and insanely larger than the top speed of any military
weapons system ever devised. The energy
content of the explosion suggests a mass of 10,000 tons, 100 times the lifting
ability of a Saturn 5 or the Space Shuttle (neither of which is in
service), and about equal to the displacement of a guided missile cruiser such
as the Ticonderoga. This officer would profit from conversing
with the Russian scientists who investigated the Tunguska event, and who
actually do know something about these events.
Besides, if we take his explanation seriously, we would have to credit
those aggressive Americans with having had even higher technology in 1908.
1 comment:
http://paradoxolbers.wordpress.com/2013/02/21/chelyabinsk-bolide-art-by-don-davis/ Here is my blogpost of Don Davis's digital painting of the Chelyabinsk Bolide with a link to his site.
Spike MacPhee
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