A number of patent claims made recently by a competitor are based on
work that I published in the open literature many years ago. The patents were awarded to a company that
did not exist at the time of those publications, with which I have never had
any contractual relationship, and which has never produced any evidence of
understanding or competence in any of these processing areas. Since all these technologies are in the
public domain, they cannot ethically be patented by anyone, even by myself. The
proof of my priority is spelled out in considerable detail in the following
publications. All claims to patents based on this work are fraudulent. Most of
the other claims in that patent cover standard art and practice in the
aerospace industry and are equally invalid.
Caveat emptor.
J.S. Lewis and S. Nozette, Extraction and Purification of Iron-Group and
Precious Metals from Asteroidal Feedstocks. Adv.
Astronaut. Sci. 53, 351 (1983).
J.S. Lewis, and C. Meinel, Asteroid Mining and Space Bunkers. Defense Science 2001+, 2, No. 3, 33-67 (1983).
77. J.S. Lewis and C.P. Meinel, Carbonyls:
Shortcut from Extraterrestrial Ores to Finished Products. In: Lunar Bases and Space Activities in the 21st
Century. NASA Johnson Space Center,
126 (1984).
80. J.S.
Lewis and R.A. Lewis, Space Resources:
Breaking the Bonds of Earth. 407 pp. Columbia University Press (1987).
83. J.S. Lewis, Summary of the Conference:
Extraterrestrial Resources. In: Space Manufacturing 6, AIAA, Washington, D.C., 18 (l987).
87. J.S. Lewis, T.D. Jones and W.H. Farrand,
Carbonyl Extraction of Lunar and Asteroidal Metals. In: Engineering, Construction and Operations in Space (S.W. Johnson
and J.P. Wetzel, eds.), Amer. Soc. Civil Engineers, N.Y., 111 (1988).
89. J.S. Lewis, Summary of the Conference: Non-terrestrial
Resources. In: Space Manufacturing 7, 5-10 (1989).
93. J.S. Lewis, Lunar, Martian and Asteroidal
Resources: Programmatic Considerations. In: Proceedings
of the 1989 Annual Invitational Symposium on Space Mining and Manufacturing,
UA/NASA Space Engineering Research Center, 1-10 (1990).
J.S. Lewis, K. Ramohalli and T. Triffet, Extraterrestrial Resource
Utilization for Economy in Space Missions.
International Astronautical Federation, IAA 90-604 (1990).
J.S. Lewis, Extraterrestrial Sources of 3He for Fusion Power.
Space Power 10 363-372 (1991).
J.S. Lewis, Non-Terrestrial Resources of Economic Importance to
Earth. International Astronautical Federation IAA 91-656, (1991).
J.S. Lewis, Summary of the Conference: Non-terrestrial Resources. In: Space
Manufacturing 8, 19-22 (1991).
J.S. Lewis, Construction Materials for an SPS Constellation in Highly
Eccentric Earth Orbit. Space Power 10, 353-362 (1991).
J.S. Lewis, Asteroid Resources.
In: Space Resources, Vol. 3:
Materials, M.F. McKay, D.S. McKay and M.B. Duke, eds. NASA SP-509, 59-78
J.S. Lewis, Processing Non-Terrestrial Materials. SME
Trans. 294, 1864-1868 (1993).
110. J.S. Lewis, M.S. Matthews
and M. Guerrieri, eds., Resources of
Near-Earth Space, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson. 977 pp. (1993).
J.S. Lewis, D.S. McKay and B.C. Clark, Using Resources from Near-Earth
Space. In: Resources of Near-Earth Space (J.S. Lewis, M.S. Matthews and M.
Guerrieri, eds.), Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson. 3-14 (1993).
J.S. Lewis and M.L. Hutson, Asteroidal Resource Opportunities Suggested
by Meteorite Data. In: Resources of Near-Earth Space (J.S.
Lewis, M.S. Matthews and M. Guerrieri, eds.), Univ. of Arizona Press,
Tucson. 523-542 (1993).
J.S. Lewis, Summary of the Conference: Transportation and
Materials. In: Space Manufacturing 9, AIAA, Washington D. C., 3-7 (1993)
J.S. Lewis, Logistical Implications of Water Extraction from Near-Earth
Asteroids. In: Space Manufacturing 9,
AIAA, Washington D. C., 71-78 (1993)
J.S. Lewis, The Platinum Apples of the Asteroids, Nature 372, 499 (1994).
J.S. Lewis, Planetary Resources for Extraterrestrial Technology. Quart.
J. Roy. Astron. Soc. 36, 445-448 (1995).
J.S. Lewis, Summary of the Conference: Closing Remarks. In: Space
Manufacturing 10, AIAA, Washington D. C., 23-24 (1995)
J.S. Lewis, Banquet Address: The Solar System's Greatest Resource. In:
Space Manufacturing 10, AIAA,
Washington D. C., 31-36 (1995).
121. J.
S. Kargel, M.D. Kraft, D. J. Roddy, J.
H. Wittke and J. S. Lewis, Impactite melt fragments at Meteor Crater,
Arizona: EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 76, p. F337
122. J.S. Kargel, P. Coffin, M. Krafft, J.S.
Lewis, D.J. Roddy E. M. Shoemaker and J.H. Wittke, Systematic Collection and
Analysis of Meteoritic Materials from Meteor Crater, Arizona. Lunar
and Planetary Conference XXVII, 645-646 (1996).
K. Ramohalli and J.S. Lewis, A Survey of Technology Advances in In-Situ
Resource Utilization for Economical Space Missions. Submitted (1996).
125. J.S. Lewis, Mining the Sky: Untold Riches from the
Asteroids, Comets, and Planets, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. 274 pp. (1996).
J.S. Lewis, Physical and Chemical Properties of Near-Earth Objects. In: Planetary
Emergencies: The Collision of an Asteroid or Comet with the Earth (R.
Coppola, ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York.
In press (1997). (Publication
abandoned by Springer, 2001.)
J.S. Lewis, Resources of the Asteroids, J. Brit. Interplanetary Soc. 50, 51-58 (1997).
131. J.S. Lewis, Mining the Sky: Untold Riches from the
Asteroids, Comets, and Planets. Revised Edition, Addison-Wesley, Reading,
MA, 274 pp. (1997).
J.S. Lewis, Summary of the Conference Sessions: Asteroids and
Nonterrestrial Materials. In: Space Manufacturing 11, AIAA,
Washington D. C., 19-20 (1997).
135. K. Ramohalli, T. Triffet, J.S. Lewis, and A.
Cutler, Material Processing Requirements for a Lunar-Based Laboratory. In: A Lunar-Based Analytical Laboratory,
Cyril Ponnamperuma Memorial Volume, A. Deepak Publishing, Hampton, VA (1997).
139. J.S.
Lewis, Unbegrenzte Zukunft: Reichtümer
aus dem Universum. Bettendorf, Munich.
317 pp. (1998). (Translated from
English to German by Karl-Heinz Ebnet.)
J.S. Lewis, Mining the Sky: Resources of Asteroids. In: Elements
of Change 1998, S.J. Hassol and J. Katzenberger, eds., Aspen Global Change
Institute, 107-110 (1998).
J.S. Lewis, Tapping the Waters of Space.
Scientific American Presents: The
Future of Space Exploration, 100-103 (1999).
J.S. Lewis, Asteroid Resources, Exploitation, and Property and Mineral
Rights. In: The
High Frontier. 20th Anniversary Edition,
Space Studies Institute, pp. 137-149 (2000).
155. J.S. Lewis, Space Resources, Occurrence
and Uses. In: Encyclopedia of Space Science and Technology, H. Mark, M. Silvera,
M. I. Yarymovych and M. Salkin, eds., 598-631 J. Wiley Interscience (2004).
J.S. Lewis and C.F. Lewis, A Proposed International Legal Regime for the
Era of Private Commercial Utilization of Space.
The George Washington
International Law Review 37, 745-767 (2005).
J.S. Lewis, Chemical Diversity and Abundances across the Solar
System. In: Chemical Evolution across Space and Time. L. Zaikowski and J. M.
Friedrich, eds., American Chemical Society Symposium Series 981, 130-140 (2007).
160. J.S.
Lewis, Building the Moon Base: Living off the Land. In: Space
Science, Environmental Ethics, and Policy, in press (available as
conference video) (2008).
162. J.S. Lewis, Asteroid Mining 101, DSI Press, 184 pp.
163. M. Sonter, S. Covey, J. S Lewis, and A. Rao,
Mineral Resource Estimation for Asteroid Mining Projects. Lunar and Planetary Science
45 (2014).
164. S.D. Covey,
J.S. Lewis, P.T. Metzger, D. T. Britt and S. E. Wiggins, Simulating the Surface
Morphology of a Carbonaceous Chondrite Asteroid. ASCE Earth-Space 3
165. P.T. Metzger,
D.T. Britt, S.D. Covey, and J.S. Lewis, Results of the 2015 Workshop on
Asteroid Simulants. (2016).
*(Books are indicated by boldface type)
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